伦敦,英国 - 2月3日,2021年2月3日 - 元素材料技术(元素)已收购了乐动娱乐官网一家领先的制药分析试验公司Avomeen,大大加强了北美的集团的生命科学业务部门。

Avomeen is a leader in analytical testing services for key life sciences end markets, with a specific focus on pharmaceutical testing, biotechnology and FDA regulated consumer products. The company’s 80-strong team of scientists and experts bring with them a high level of technical expertise, with almost all holding bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and 20% holding PhDs. Avomeen will deepen Element’s bench strength and technical breadth across a wide range of scientific disciplines, bolstering its offering in formulation chemistry, product manufacturing, extractables & leachables, and large molecule testing – all key strategic growth areas.

Avomeen运作的一个很好的投资cility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The company is FDA registered, DEA licensed, and ISO accredited, all providing a comprehensive extension to Element’s existing range of services, and supporting its strategy to become a full-service solutions provider in the life sciences market.


Eute Ceo Jo Wetz表示:“这是我们第三次收购2021年,并有助于建立重点在生命科学部门的不断增长的地位,扩大我们在美国制药市场的存在。随着我们进入2021年,近20%的元素收入现在在更广泛的生命科学段内,涵盖了制药,医疗设备,食品和环境检测服务。


Mark Harvill,Avomeen Ceo评论:“我们很激动到加入元素全球家庭,并结合我们的互补功能,为客户提供更广泛的服务和价值。元素对科学卓越和质量的关注,与客户和员工的合作,与Avomeen的价值观相处得很好,以及我们将共同地继续做到一家公司。“

元素现有的生命科学网络实验室为制药,医疗器械和食品群体提供广泛的测试服务,并拥有骄傲的高级科学专业知识记录,这些专业知识将我们置于行业的最前沿。我们的设施提供专业测试服务,包括化学和物理特性;制定发展;储存稳定性,可萃取和可脱离的研究;病毒学和病毒鉴定;细胞银行;抗微生物和微生物测试;元素杂质检测各种药品,营养保健,医疗设备和消费品;细胞毒性,生物毒性,内毒素和TOC测试;病原体鉴定; bacterial analysis and nutritional chemistry.


元素材料技术集团是世界领乐动娱乐官网先的全球测试,检验和认证服务提供商之一,为先进的工业供应链中的各种材料,产品和技术提供了多种材料,产品和技术。乐动体育软件最新版Headquartered in London, UK, Element’s team of more than 6,000 expert scientists, engineers and technicians operate from around 200 locations across five continents, delivering an extensive range of solutions to customers in critical industries including connected technologies, life sciences, digital engineering, aerospace, construction, defense, energy, environmental, and transportation.

For more information about Element, please visit our网站,与我们联系linkedinandTwitter并订阅我们的YouTubechannel.


T: +44 (0) 131 333 8052

Devan Labrash,宝塔公共关系
T:+44(0)131 556 0770

Jo Wetz.
