We hope you enjoyed our EQSA seminar at the University of Bristol, and that you left the event with informative and useful information for Nuclear Equipment Qualification.

下面,please find copies of the presentations given by our experts. If you have any questions about the event, or if you would like to continue the conversation with one of our experts, pleasecontact us.

We look forward to working with you soon!


EQSA Presentation 1.7 Queens

• Material qualification, ageing and obsolescence

• Type testing of nuclear I&C in international project environment


EQSA Presentation 1.15 Queens

• LOCA for I&C

Accelerated radiation and thermal ageing to underpin EQ


EQSA Presentation Pugsley Lecture Theatre (am)

HPC equipment qualification

Regulatory perspective on equipment qualification for nuclear installations

A programmatic approach to EQ, including sequencing

EMC testing: challenges in a nuclear environment


EQSA Presentation Pugsley Lecture Theatre (pm)

Qualification of smart devices

Seismic qualification


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Our team of over 5,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.