Used heavily in transportation design validation, GMW 3172 testing helps ensure the durability and functionality of electronic components in corrosive environments. We can support programs with virtually any condition listed in the standard, including environmental conditioning and functional tests.

3172克分子量测试electroni如何提供数据cs and exposed surfaces will fare in salt-heavy environments, including coastal areas and winter-treated roads. With years of experience in both automotive testing and corrosion studies, our experts can help you design a GMW 3172 test program that conforms to test requirements while meeting your product’s unique needs.

GMW 3172 Test Requirements

GMW 3172 is applicable for most electronic components used in modern vehicles, particularly those with the potential to be exposed to passengers. Testing is often performed on operating components to record the point of failure, ensuring that equipment can continue to operate safely under normal conditions. Our labs can provide testing for ambient, humid and dry conditions, depending on the application.

由于GMW 3172测试的许多要求取决于所测试的设备类型,我们可以帮助您确定特定产品的周期计数,持续时间和环境因素。我们的专家衡量测试期间和经过测试的腐蚀程度和速率,提供数据以验证或改善制造和设计过程。

有关GMW 3172测试的更多信息以及我们如何提供帮助,contact ustoday.

Other GMW 3172 Capabilities 640 x 480
gmw 3172 cyclic corrosion testing

Other GMW 3172 Capabilities

In addition to salt spray and corrosion, our labs offer additional GMW 3172 methods to ensure total product safety and integrity.

Some of our additional test methods include:

  • Durability and Life Cycling
  • Thermal Shock
  • Humidity Testing
  • Vibration and Mechanical Shock
  • EMC Testing

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Our deliverable is certainty - high quality data, test reports and certifications that you can rely on when making decisions about your materials and components. Engage with an expert today.


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