暴露于含有硫化氢(H2S)的流体的某些油田聚合物将在化学上变化,通过H 2 S浓度和温度测定劣化速率。由此产生的材料性能水平的不可逆变化可能对应用程序(例如,密封)部分的功能性能具有显着不利影响。元件’s dedicated sour service teams can evaluate the performance of elastomers, thermoplastics and composites in sour fluids in accordance with standards such as NORSOK (M-710), ISO (23936, 10423), API (6A, 16C) and NACE (TM0187, TM0296).

元件has more than 25 years of experience of delivering testing solutions for polymeric materials used in a huge range of Oil & Gas sector upstream and downstream applications.

H2S is a toxic gas present in many fields throughout the world, sometimes at very high levels. Seals and other polymeric components must be specified and qualified appropriately to established international standards. In addition, Element can offer significant experience in designing and executing custom sour fluid exposure programs to meet demanding client requirements for both material evaluation/qualification, and functional testing.

我们的订婚专家can evaluate non-metallic materials used in your offshore, renewable, and oil & gas applications. Our staff have contributed to both ISO and NORSOK standards development and are members of the relevant ISO Working Group committee. Element has run two internationally supported JIPs in the area of oilfield polymers: SOUR and SOUR2.


– World-class scale sour fluid exposure facilities in the UK and the US.

- 常规暴露于340巴和250°C,混合物含有高达30%H2S的混合物。

– Exposure temperatures to 320 °C in special vessels.

– Customer-specific services; consultancy, material and functional testing programs.

Rapid Gas Decompression (RGD)用酸性气体混合物测试。

Our experts can work with you to advise on the most suitable testing methods for your materials, develop and review test protocols, build custom R&D programs, and evaluate components and systems to meet your project requirements.

有关我们的酸性服务功能的更多信息,或要求引用,contact us today.

NORSOK M-710 / ISO 23936


– ISO 23936-1: Thermoplastics

- ISO 23936-2:弹性体

– NORSOK M-710: Elastomers and Thermoplastics

ISO 10423 F.1.13 (API 6A)

夹具和浸入式DD / EE和FF / HH的测试包括:

– The high pressure, 1-week sour portion of the fixture test is performed in a dedicated sealed area with a fast extraction system. This ensures that (i) no personnel are near the vessel and (ii) any H2S is safely contained and neutralized.

– The sub-ambient portion of the fixture test is performed in a large dedicated chiller unit.


Evaluating Elastomer Materials in Sour Gas Environments as per NACE TM0187.


Our team of over 6,700 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.