

元素可以支持英国和爱尔兰的客户,并提供排放测试,以证明符合MCPD ELV,并在整个允许流程和规划应用程序中提供专家指导。



  • 标准规则许可(SRP) - 低风险
  • simple bespoke – low risk / does not require air dispersion modeling
  • 复杂的定制许可 - 高风险/需要空气分散建模


  • 新工厂(1至50 MWTH):现在采取行动
  • 现有植物(> 15 MWTH):现在采取行动
  • 现有植物(5至15 MWTH):过渡阶段在2022年结束
  • 现有植物(<5 MWTH):过渡阶段在2027年结束


Operators must test emissions from each unit to demonstrate compliance with emission limits. For new and existing MCP you must start monitoring within four months of the permit issue (or the start of operations). Operators are required to conduct periodic monitoring at least every three years. Emissions monitoring parameters are fuel dependant but typically compose:

  • Gas-fired processes - NOx with addition of CO (typically) but not subject to an ELV.
  • 沼气或固体燃料 - NOx,灰尘和SO2。


  • 氮的氧化物(NO和NO2表示为NO2) - BS EN 14791
  • Carbon Monoxide – BS EN 15058
  • 灰尘 - BS EN 13284-1
  • Sulphur Dioxide – BS EN 14791

Where dust emissions monitoring is undertaken, this requires the use of isokinetic testing methods. It is important to note the access requirements for equipment and personnel are prescriptive to ensure samples are taken safely and in accordance with MCERTS.

MCPD - 元素优势

元素是英国和爱尔兰ISO 17025 UKAS和MCERTS认可的测试提供商,从9个区域实验室运营。


Our team of over 5,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.