As one of the mosthazardous materialsused in building products, asbestos continues to grip international headlines. The regulatory demands and the scrutiny of asbestos management and disposal make testing and inspection essential for all organizations that wish to meet their responsibilities.

As a UKAS ISO 17025 accredited asbestos testing laboratory, Element offers asbestos testing and analysis throughout the UK. We provideasbestos advisory servicesbacked by years of industry expertise for a broad spectrum of commercial, industrial, and domestic organizations.

We go beyond asbestos identification and risk assessment to help you with the big picture. As your expert asbestos advisor, we will be with you through the entire process, from identification through to managing asbestos on your premises safely.

石棉testing, inspection, compliance, and advisory services

Our testing services include:

  • Compliance gap analysis, advisory, and guidance
  • Management surveys (ISO/IEC 17020)
  • Refurbishment and demolition surveys (ISO/IEC 17020)
  • 石棉bulk sampling and analysis according to (ISO/IEC 17025)
  • 石棉testing reports and management plans
  • 石棉awareness training
  • Project management of asbestos removals, both licensed and non-licensed
  • 石棉air monitoring and testing including Asbestos four stage clearance process - Certificates of Reoccupation (ISO/IEC 17025)
  • 石棉fiber determination and counting (ISO/IEC 17025)
  • 石棉quantification in soil using Phase Contrast Optical Microscopy (PCOM) analysis

We can identify and quantify (in soil samples) all types of asbestos, Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Tremolite, Actinolite, and Anthophyllite, in all types of materials, fromairandsoilsto cement, vermiculite, insulating materials, floor tiles, and ceiling tiles.

The Element advantage

Our highly experienced and CoCA qualified experts convey all our asbestos advice and guidance in line with national legislation under CAR 2012. Our testing and inspection services are delivered in accordance with the international standards ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17020.

For more information about our asbestos testing lab, or to know more about our asbestos consultancy services,contact us today.


石棉surveying identifies the presence of asbestos on site and its condition. Associated risk assessments then help to inform next steps in terms of options to remove, repair, or monitor asbestos containing materials.

When looking for an asbestos surveying organization, we know you are looking for a technically competent, UKAS accredited company with the necessary resources, impartiality, quality system, and liability insurance. Element fulfills all of these requirements.

Element offers expert, experience based asbestos advisory with a large team of technically competent and qualified staff, trained to the recognized industry standards. Our extensive network of office and site-based staff allows us to provide a local and highly responsive service. Our surveyors are competent to safely take samples of suspected asbestos material and bring it back to our in-house laboratories for UKAS accredited asbestos bulk analysis.

Element conducts two types of asbestos surveys, depending on your requirements.

  • Management survey: conducted to comply with duty to manage legislation for building owner/occupants.
  • Refurbishment and demolition survey: conducted to comply with legislation if the premises need upgrading, refurbishment or demolition.

Element’s asbestos surveys are conducted in accordance with HSG264 “Asbestos: The survey guide” and are accredited to ISO/IEC 17020.

石棉Bulk Sample Analysis

If the presence of asbestos cannot be confirmed onsite, our trained field surveyors bring samples back to the lab. They carry out bulk sample material analysis for asbestos fibers following HSG248 in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 standards. This test confirms the presence or absence of asbestos in a sample.

石棉的疑似样品材料也可以sent to or dropped off at one of our UKAS accredited laboratories. We recommend only trained and competent individuals collect suspected asbestos samples.

Our team of highly qualified analysts provides expert advice for your testing needs. They can accommodate any special requirements, including urgent asbestos sampling or testing, ensuring your asbestos risks are managed correctly and efficiently.

Element offers a water absorption testing service to define whether asbestos removal needs to be conducted by a licensed or non-licensed contractor.

Our team of over 5,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.