Legionnaires' disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia caused by the inhalation of small droplets of contaminated water containing Legionella bacteria. Legionella pneumophila is often present in natural sources of water. When the bacteria enter human-made water systems with favorable growth conditions, it may multiply, increasing exposure risk. Water system managers must undertake Legionella risk assessments to detect the presence of Legionella pneumophila in water systems.

Suppose you have control over a premise that has a water system, In that case, you must take appropriate steps to identify and assess, and either eliminate or adequately control the risks of exposure to Legionella bacteria.

Legionella risk assessment services

Element has a team of qualifiedoccupational hygienists,所有这些都是英国职业卫生协会成员,后者在卫生和安全执行委员会批准的惯例(ACOP)L8批准的惯例(ACOP)L8及其支持的健康和安全指导HSG274之后进行军团国风险评估。

Our experts can provide you with a clear and concise Legionella risk assessment, guidance, and peace of mind knowing that you comply with all your legal requirements.

Element also offers Legionella and Total Viable Count (TVC) water sampling to indicateheterotrophic organisms' total level (fungi, yeasts, molds, and bacteria) within a sample. TVC sampling indicates general contamination within a system, determining if further investigation or remedial action is necessary.

Legionella risk assessment report

Our occupational hygienists produce reports that outline the risk of exposure to Legionella from the hot and cold water systems and recommend the necessary control measures and water treatment programs to minimize the risks of exposure to Legionella.

The Legionella risk assessment report will be customized to the site but will typically be structured as follows:

  • 执行摘要(包括换期管理,监测或培训的任何补救措施或要求)
  • Introduction
  • The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems
  • Assessment Procedure
  • Description of Water Systems
  • Appendix 1 Risk Assessments
  • Appendix 2 Asset List and Temperature Measurements
  • Appendix 3 Photographs
  • 附录4个原理图
  • Appendix 5 HSG274 Part 2 and Part 3 Checklists
  • Appendix 6 Example of Monitoring Check Sheets and Procedures
  • Appendix 7 Example of Written Preventative Scheme

For more information about our Legionella risk assessment services,contact us today.


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