Acute and chronic particulate testing is required for most intravascular devices to mitigate potential health risks for patients. Additionally, coating integrity and durability are commonly evaluated for drug-eluting stents. Element’s心血管设备测试专家根据领先的行业标准和指导文件对涂料和微粒进行检查。


Minimizing particulates and increasing coating lubricity can be two competing requirements, which presents challenges for device manufacturers. Our experts evaluate coatings and particulates intending to bring safe and reliable products to market.

FDA guidance for coating & particulate testing



Coating integrity

Coating integrity inspections focus on detailed characterization of the device’s coated surfaces for defects, anomalies, or artifacts. Unintended delamination, flaking, webbing, or degradation may impact the device’s clinical performance and should be characterized. FDA guidance documents listed above recommend inspections on the finished product that has been subject to all manufacturing processes, including sterilization.

Inspections for coating integrity are recommended for baseline and simulated use conditions. For simulated use coating integrity assessments, devices are tracked through a tortuous path fixture that mimics challenging in vivo physiologic and anatomic conditions that the device might encounter during use, and they are then expanded in air or in an aqueous solution.



There are two main types of particulate evaluation: acute and chronic particulate testing. Acute particulate testing is related to the particulate matter released during simulated delivery and deployment of a device. Chronic particulates measurement takes place over a specified length of time that mimics the lifetime use of the device.


FDA guidance documents and existing standards focus on acute particulate testing, outlining the assessment of particulates through either light obscuration or filtration/microscopy methods. Each method has its advantages and limitations. The light obscuration method has higher throughput but can only quantify particulates and categorize them by size. In contrast, the filtration/microscopy method can quantify particulates as well as identify them by color, shape, or composition. We employ the filtration/microscopy method that offers more flexibility in the evaluations requested by device manufacturers.

我们的生物可吸收支架的急性微粒试验article gives a more in-depth look at the baseline and simulated use testing of particulates generated from enzymatic or hydrolytic degradation.




For more information about our coating and particulate testing for intravascular devices, or to request a quote,contact us今天。


使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和非盟tomated particle size analysis, we can provide SEM photos for coating inspection and particle size analysis. Simulated use tracking fixtures are available to mimic worst case scenarios such as overlapped or bent stent configurations following a device’s instructions for use.


  • 扫描电镜照片,放大10万倍
  • Determining the effect of deployment on the device structure
  • 金属微动特性
  • 自动特征分析(AFA),通过光谱分析、线扫描和元素映射等方法提供有关粒子数量和大小的信息
  • 分析固体无机材料,包括金属和聚合物乐动娱乐官网
  • Large sample chamber for the examination of samples up to 100 long x 80mm wide x 25mm high


Several standards support coating inspections and particulate testing:

  • ASTM F2743涂层药物洗脱血管支架系统的涂层检查和急性微粒特性的标准指南
  • AAMI TIR42血管医疗器械相关微粒的评估
  • USP 788注射剂中的微粒物质
  • ASTM F2477 Standard Test Methods for in vitro Pulsatile Durability Testing of Vascular Stents
  • ISO 25539-1 Cardiovascular implants – Endovascular devices – Part 1: Endovascular prostheses
  • ISO 25539-2心血管植入物-血管内装置-第2部分:血管支架
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