CE Marking: Have you tested your product for EMC?

If you provide an electronic product for use in the European Union, it is required to comply with the EMC Directive under CE Marking legislation. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing measures and produces radio and magnetic interference to ascertain how well an electronic device performs when exposed to interference and measure how much interference it produces.

If products don’t comply with national and international industry-specific and legislative EMC standards, their time to market can be hugely delayed at considerable cost to the manufacturer.

Most commonly our clients look to qualify their products for CE Marking within Europe and for exporting world-wide. Our EMC testing reports are approved and accepted in most countries around the world, minimising EMC testing costs for companies looking to gain access to these different markets.

Linking Contractual and Legislative EMC Tests

Whilst much of the EMC testing we perform is based on legislative requirements, there are significant industries that we serve where additional contractual EMC testing requirements are imposed, such as the automotive, defence and aerospace industries.

We provide EMC testing and qualification services for government departments, the police, Lloyds Register, and to vehicle manufacturers’ own specifications. In addition, Element is a VCA (Vehicle Certification Agency) approved Technical Service and can offer E-marking approval to UN ECE regulation 10.

Where manufacturers need to comply with both contractual and legislative EMC testing, Element is able to assist by deciding how a product can be tested in such a way that both sets of requirements can be met in a single programme. This has significant benefits to the manufacturer, reducing the test time and cost, and enabling the product to reach the market more rapidly.

Start early!

EMC测试一个最具成本效益的方法d certification is always going to be considering it as early as possible in the development cycle. If a product has to be re-designed, it can be prohibitively expensive and result in delays to market and a loss in consumer confidence. Our pre-qualification or Early Stage Qualification (ESQ®) service makes sure you understand from the outset the implications of EMC compliance to help you achieve success first time when you reach the testing, approvals and certification phase. Working closely with your design team, our ESQ experts make sure that costs are kept to a minimum, and your product gets to market quickly and successfully.

If you would like to find out more about Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing requirements, please contact Element in theUK at quoteme.aeroeu@element.comand in theUS by completing this form.

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