Changing Standards How the EN 62368 Update Affects Your Products

斯蒂芬•泰特Element Product Testing Expert
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Recently, it was announced that EN 60950-1 and EN 60065 will be superseded by a new standard (EN 62368), and will no longer be accepted towards a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for theLow Voltage Directive. This update has important implications for manufacturers of a range of electronic devices, as it addresses the way that equipment is categorized, assessed and tested.

Why have EN 60950-1 and EN60065 been superseded?

根据EN 62368,音频/视频设备(先前包含在EN 60065中)和信息技术设备(先前包含在EN 60905中)属于同一标准。这一变化反映了随着技术的日益一体化,电子设备类型之间的界限正在消失。

The goal of this update is to ensure that as many product types are covered as possible while ensuring product safety by identifying all possible risks and hazards to users and other equipment.

Timeline to change

EN 62368 was introduced in 2014 and first published in the Official Journal in August 2016. As of December 20, 2020 EN 62368 will supersede the previous standards and after this date EN60950-1 and EN60065 cannot be used to show presumption of conformity to the Low Voltage Directive. All Declarations of Conformity (for products still being placed on the market) after this date should refer to the latest standards. This could result in just a simple administrative task, but could also result in additional assessment to the new standard(s).

To remain in compliance, manufacturers must ensure that their DoC and supporting technical documentation meet the required standards by this date. This includes documentation used to support products covered under the Low Voltage Directive.

Changes Addressed EN 62368

In addition to product category updates, EN 62368 aims to redefine the way product safety is understood and measured in an increasingly connected world. While previous standards focused on testing and functional assessment, EN 62368 will put greater emphasis on a hazard based approach, identifying hazards and risks with greater clarity and leaving room for a broader range of equipment types.

Some of the changes from the previous standards include:

  • More focused definitions of risks and hazards
  • Broader definition of product types
  • Additional product safety design requirements
  • Integration of audio/visual products and information technology products
How Does This Affect my Products?

The update to EN 62368 has far-reaching implications for manufacturers of electronic devices. In addition to cessation of EN 60950 and EN 60065 as accepted standards for Low Voltage Directive documentation, the update will affect how products are classified under legal systems, and how they must be designed and evaluated.

What should I do if my product is affected?

If your products are affected by this update, you will need to review your technical documentation to determine what changes must be made to remain compliant, and if additional testing is required for certification under the new standard.

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