Comparison of Medical Device Fatigue Test Systems

疲劳测试经历了几个主要的技术logy changes over the last two decades. Prior to1990, almost all fatigue testers used servohydraulic principles to apply load to the test specimen. Servohydraulics had been used since the mid-1950s and was the de facto standard technology when building material, automotive, aerospace, and large structural testers. In the 1990s, manufacturer sstarted experimenting with other drive technologies including servopneumatics and linear motors.


Servohydraulics (SH)


另外,施加的负载可以从几千杆棚缩放到几千克到几百万兆瓦,并且也可以缩放负载通道的数量。例如,简单的疲劳测试仪可能只有一个装载致动器,而飞机翼试验台可能具有30至40个致动器。随着伺服液试验系统的市场成熟,其他公司进入了市场。如今,伺服液试验系统的供应商包括MTS,Instron,Saginomiya,Shimadzu,Shore Western和Zwick。


However, the minimum practical force rating that a SH actuator can be designed to is about 5kN. For loads less than 5kN, the friction of the oil seals causes problems with the system resolution. There is also a concern with cleanliness - if the SH actuator seal leaks during testing, the test specimen can be contaminated.

Additionally, SH actuators are designed to last tens of millions of cycles without fatigue failures or seal leakage. While this level of longevity works well for the typical orthopedic test (up to 10 million cycles), it's not durable enough for cardiovascular devices (400 million to 600 million cycles). And because of their design, SH systems require a high powered (5HP minimum) hydraulic pump with an oil supply that must be regularly changed, making it a relatively high-maintenance system.

Servopneumatic (SP) Test Systems


Still, for lower force (i.e., less than 1kN) and moderate test frequency (10 Hz orless) applications, SP systems represent a viable alternative to SH systems. The only manufacturer that supplied SP systems was EnduraTEC.


单相线性电动机产生与施加的电流量成比例的力。在90年代中期,Enduratec开始用用于支架和电线测试的音圈提供测试系统。专利5,670,708代表使用两个音圈作为驱动装置开发的支架移植测试仪。稍后用由Bose Corporation开发的移动磁铁线性电机替换语音线圈。

The moving magnet design was superior to the voice coil approach because it eliminated the flying leads which were prone to fatigue failure, was easier to cool and had a lower moving mass. The moving magnet motor was also employed in the ElectroForce Fatigue Test Instruments supplied by EnduraTEC (later Bose and then TA Instruments).

SPLM系统有时是优选的,因为它们的低输出力范围非常适合测试为血管内市场开发的小型医疗器械。另外,弯曲轴承系统和移动磁体设计提供极高的寿命,并且与驱动SHOR SP系统所需的电力相比,驱动SPLM所需的功率非常低。因此,由于低移动质量,容易获得测试频率60Hz和更高。



Multi-Phase Linear Motors (MPLM)


After the successful introduction of the SPLM test systems by EnduraTEC in the early 2000’s, Instron and MTS decided they needed to offer an electric test system alternative. In the late 2000s, Instron introduced its ElectroPulsSeries and in 2014 MTS introduced its Acumen Series of all-electric test instruments. Both systems feature a crosshead-mounted multi-phaselinear motor with a moving voice coil or magnet armature that is supported on a linear ball bearing system.

线性电机的多相设计使其能够提供更高的负载和更长的整体行程。例如,虽然最小的TA电磁体仪表在200N的额定速度并具有12.5mm的整体中风,但最小的Instron Electupuls Testinstrument在1000N时额定值,中风60mm。虽然人们可能认为MPLM方法将优于SPLM,但是MPLM相对于SPLM具有如下的相对优点和缺点。

The additional phases of MPLM systems mean the motor can generate more power. If the magnet assemblies are sized the same, a MPLM with three magnets (required for the multiphase motion) will generate twice as much force as an SPLM with a comparable-sized single magnet. The MPLM also has longer stroke capability, makeing it easier to test longer specimens and to setup tests as the longer stroke provides more flexibility.

There are several downsides to an MPLM system, however. Since the moving armature in an MPLM has more coil or magnet assemblies, the moving mass is greater. This means that at high test frequencies, the vibration induced into the test bench or floor can be substantial if care is not taken to isolate the frame from the bench. Whereas the SPLM is quite comfortable running at 60Hz and up, MPLM systems generally have difficulty achieving frequencies higher than 30Hz. To provide a longer overall stroke, the MPLM system features a roller bearing support system.


Element has a wide breadth of equipment including SH, SP, SPLM and MPLM test systems at its disposal. When setting up a test, we are able to choose the test system that is most appropriate for the desired test conditions.


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