
Using the UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) Mark After Brexit

你准备好使用UKCA Brexit后马克吗?一个re your EMC, Low Voltage, Radio Equipment, or ATEX products compliant with this? A conformity mark must be used when placing certain products on the UK market.

Before 1 January 2021, you can do this using the CE mark or other appropriate marks. From 1 January 2021, the UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) mark will be the conformity assessment marking for Great Britain for most goods currently subject to CE marking.


The UKCA marking is a new UK product mark used for goods placed on Great Britain's market (England, Wales, and Scotland). The marking covers most products that previously required CE marking. It will not be used for products placed on the Northern Ireland market, which require CE marking or UK(NI) marking. Products currently requiring a CE marking for sale in the EU will continue to need a CE mark.


  • 在旧方法下监管的产品,特别是:化学品,药品,车辆和航空航天
  • Products covered by national regulations (non-harmonized)
  • 某些其他产品,如医疗设备,民用炸药,施工产品和铁路互操作性

The UKCA regulatory regime will apply regardless of any Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the UK and EU. Although the UK is seeking a Mutual Recognition Agreement for conformity assessment in the UK-EU FTA, this is currently refused by the EU. Companies whose products require mandatory third-party testing by a Notified Body should review whether that Body is located in the UK or EU and whether it has arranged to have certification validated or re-issued by a partner test body in the other market.

When will it be introduced?

The UKCA marking can be used from 1 January 2021. While the UKCA marking has no legal meaning if placed on any product before this date, you are encouraged to be ready to use it in advance.


从2021年1月1日,如果你应用UKCA marking, you must meet all of the UKCA regulations' requirements.

一个fter 1 January 2021, you must use the new UKCA marking immediately if all of the following apply:

  • The product is covered by legislation that requires the UKCA marking
  • The product requires mandatory third-party conformity assessment
  • 一个conformity assessment has been carried out by a UK based Notified Body and you haven’t transferred your conformity assessment files from your UK body to an EU-27 recognized Notified Body before 1 January 2021


    Up until 1 January 2022, under the transition arrangements, you will be able to continue to use the CE marking in the United Kingdom if:

    • You currently apply the CE marking to your product on the basis of self-declaration
    • 一个mandatory third-party conformity assessment was carried out by an EU-27 recognized Notified Body
    • The EU-Type Examination certificate previously held by a UK Notified Body has been transferred to an EU-27 recognized Notified Body



    一个fter 1 January 2021, you may choose to use the UKCA marking after Brexit, even if the transition arrangements would apply, for example, where your customer insists on the new mark.

    There is no transition arrangement for products certified by UK Notified Bodies. To continue to be sold in the EU-27 after 1 January 2021, the certificates must be transferred to an EU-27 recognized Notified Body. Element’s Notified Bodies outside of the UK are able to support this.

    Using both the CE and UKCA mark after Brexit

    Products can carry both the CE and UKCA markings so long as they are fully compliant with both EU directives and UK regulations.

    From 1 January 2021, the standards that can be used to demonstrate conformity with the technical or ‘essential’ requirements for UKCA marked products will be the same as they are now under CE marking. That means that if your product is currently compliant to the technical requirements necessary for CE marking, then it will be compliant to the same technical requirements that will exist for UKCA marking from 1 January 2021. However, the conformity assessment bodies that assess them may be different, although, in the case of Element, we can support both sets of requirements because we hold both UK Approved Body and EU recognized Notified Body status.

    Products placed on the UK market after 31 December 2020 will require UKCA marking, and any products that currently need approval by a Notified Body will have to be certified by a UK Approved Body. Notified Body and Approved Body certificates operate under separate accreditations and legal jurisdictions. Hence different certificate numbers will apply in addition to any product marking associated with the Body. The UK Approved Body number (4 digits) must follow the UKCA mark on the product.

    一个single test report and/or the technical file can be used for both the UKCA and CE marking requirements, allowing testing to be carried out simultaneously and preventing additional testing costs. An accredited UK test report remains valid for both CE marking and UKCA making.

    一个separate Declaration of Conformity is needed for both CE Marking and UKCA, so manufacturers need to be aware that additional paperwork is required. The UK Declaration of Conformity must reference the UK Regulations and the UK British Standard versions of EN standards, where they exist.

    What about products for sale in Northern Ireland?


    Products for sale in both Great Britain and the EU that carry both CE marking and UKCA marking do not need the additional UK(NI) mark.



    一个nyone based in the EU, bringing in UK products to place on the EU market, will also become an importer and bear more responsibility for compliance.


    • The manufacturer has drawn up the correct technical documentation and complied with their labeling requirements
    • 产品标有贵公司的详细信息,包括贵公司的姓名和联系地址(在这种情况下,在UKCA的情况下,直到2022年12月31日,您可以在附带的文档而不是产品本身上提供这些详细信息)
    • 已经进行了正确的符合性评估程序,产品具有正确的符合性标记
    • 符合符合性声明的副本维持10年
    • 产品符合相关的基本要求


    What should I be doing now to prepare?


    From 1 January 2021, EU appointed Notified Bodies based in the UK will be referred to as UK Approved Bodies. The CE marking will no longer be valid or accepted by EU authorities after 31 December 2020 for any product which was CE approved using a UK based former EU Notified Body. Instead, the certification needs to be transferred to an EU-27 Notified Body to be maintained or a Notified Body recognized by the EU (such as those countries that have an MRA with EU).

    Our team of experts can help you continue to export to the EU without needing to find a new EU notified Body. All Element UK Notified Body certificates will be transferred to another Element Notified Body (within or recognized by the EU-27).


    The transferring of all certificates, either EU to UK or UK to EU, needs to take place before 31 December 2020. After this date, a new submission for certification will need to be made.

    For advice on using the UKCA Mark after Brexit or CE Marking a device and ensuring your responsibilities have been adequately met, pleasecontact Element here.

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