Electrical equipment designed for everyday use in the EU must adhere to the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2014/35/EU. The directive states that electrical equipment can only be placed on the market if it provides a high level of protection to the health and safety of persons, domestic animals, and property. It is also required to CE Mark products that fall within the scope of this Directive, and the correct documentation must support this.

元素的Product Safety Testingcan provide all the services a manufacturer needs to meet the requirements of the LVD. There are four key aspects which are required, and these must be in place before CE marking to this Directive can take place:

  • A Risk Assessment of the hazards associated with the product and environment
  • Product Safety Test/Assessments to harmonized standard(s) to benefit from a presumption of conformity to the essential requirements (safety objectives) of the LVD
  • 汇编技术文件
  • Completion of a Declaration of Conformity (DoC)

Safety requirements for the LVD

We offer impartial third party support to manufacturers in all aspects of the Low Voltage Directive, from design advice, full product safety testing, Technical File compilation, and review.

Element can issue the third party qualification necessary to provide vital market advantage and confidence in placing a product on the market.
For those that need guidance on the regulatory requirements for a particular product, we can provide a产品认证咨询服务乐动体育软件最新版to support them through the testing and approval of their products and components.

Low Voltage Directive guidance

Like all CE Marking directives, the Low Voltage Directive is a legal framework and requires some interpretation of its contents and application. As a result, the European Commission has issued aguidance documentthat provides clarification on how to apply the directive.

Further safety certification services

Our Certification team provides theCertification Servicesrequired for Market Access for many countries throughout the world as well as欧洲通知的身体服务.

As a Certification Body Test Laboratory (CBTL) and a National Certification Body (NCB), we can test and certify your electrical products to theIECEE scheme, which has significant market access advantages, including reduced test costs and time to market.

元素的Global Approvalsteam provide further services to help those looking to export their products into the Global Market place.


我们可交付的是确定性 - 高质量的数据,测试报告和证书,您可以在做出关于您的材料和合规性的决策时绝对依赖。乐动娱乐官网与今天的专家参与。

